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Class Booking Terms & Conditions

Maison Burlesque Covid Guidelines for Students

Unless otherwise specified here, usual T&C's (outlined below) will apply.



(ie, just another day in the studio)

- Please remember to sign in on arrival using the QR codes that are posted at the entrance and in other locations around the studio

- Please use the hand sanitiser provided upon entering and exiting the studio, and before using studio props (eg fans, gloves, boas, chairs, etc)

- Please be aware of personal space of your fellow students - if an area eg reception is looking busy, don't forget you are welcome to wait for your class in our downstairs bar too.



- Stay home!

- Do not attend your class if you are unwell or directed to self-isolate (eg after taking a covid test)

- If you are unable to attend a in-person class due to illness or quarantine Maison Burlesque will offer you the option to attend one of our online classes instead for that week.

- Once you receive a negative covid test please show this to your teacher or email to the admin team before coming back to class



(eg you have some residual symptoms from a non-covid illness)

- Please have a chat to your teacher prior to class start (eg I have a cough but its from a cold from 2 weeks ago) 

- Please wear a mask when in the studio out of respect for your teacher & peers

- Please be extra vigilant about hand sanitising and distancing 



If the studio is closed due to government direction or a local outbreak:

- In the case of a studio shutdown leading to class cancellations due to covid-19, students will receive a class credit equal to the number of classes cancelled. This credit can be used towards a future in-person class or any of our online classes.


If you ever have any questions please just chat to your teacher or contact our studio manager Maple either by email ( or call 03 882 6693.



Maison Burlesque General Terms & Conditions


Physical Fitness/Injury: Students are responsible for ensuring that they are physically and medically fit for the course/class that they are participating in. If in doubt of your suitability for the class please do not hesitate to contact us. During the class students must take care at all times for their own personal safety and must inform the teacher of any physical limitations, current or ongoing injuries or medical conditions they have prior to the commencement of the class. If for any reason you become injured or feel any pain or discomfort during your class you must stop your participation and  inform your instructor immediately.


Punctuality/Attendance: Please aim to arrive 5 minutes before your class starts so you are ready to start on time. Please do not enter the room if another class is in progress. Students who are more than 25 minutes late to their class are still able to join their class however they will be marked absent on the roll. If possible, please advise your instructor if you are unable to attend your class on any given week. 


Personal Belongings: Maison Burlesque accepts no responsibility for your personal items if misplaced, lost or stolen so please take care of your belongings & ensure you have everything with you when leaving.


Photography: Photography and video for personal use is welcomed at Maison Burlesque, however all students must gain approval from all other persons in the photo/video before publishing it in any format, including online or on social media. Students are not to be filmed or photographed without their knowledge or consent. Students must gain permission from their instructor before posting class routines/choreography online, including social media. Please note that by appearing in The Cherry Poppers Showcase & class photos and video you are consenting to your image being used for Maison Burlesque promotional and marketing purposes.


Copyright: Instructors retain copyright over all class content and choreography. Class choreography is not to be used outside of Maison Burlesque for public or commercial use without express written consent by the instructor.


Student Showcase: All those who wish to participate in our optional student showcase are responsible for all their costuming (encouraged to be low cost) as well as their own hair and makeup on the night. Students wishing to perform in the student showcase must have attended a minimum of 6 out of 8 classes in order to perform, and all students who do not meet this requirement may only perform at the discretion and approval of their instructor. Students who are more than 25 minutes late to their class are still able to join their class however they will be marked absent on the roll. 


Cancellation / Refund Policy

**Please note: These terms & conditions only apply to our burlesque classes, courses & workshops and are NOT relevant to hens parties, private events or The Vamp Studio photography bookings.


Class Transfers/Refunds for 4-8 Week Courses


Students may cancel their booking in exchange for class credit up to 7 days prior to the start date of the course by contacting Maison Burlesque in writing. Any less than 7 days prior to the start date of the course students may transfer the booking to another students name or transfer into another course of equal or lesser value within the same term (pending availability).


Maison Burlesque will not provide refunds for services and class payments under any circumstances including change of mind or failure to attend for personal or medical reasons. Maison Burlesque is not responsible for any lateness, incomplete attendance or failure to finish the course.


Class Transfers/Refunds for Workshops

Students may cancel their booking in exchange for class credit up to 7 days prior to the start date of the workshop by contacting Maison Burlesque in writing. Any less than 7 days prior to the start date of the course/workshop students may transfer the booking to another students name.


Maison Burlesque will not provide refunds for services and course/workshop payments under any circumstances including change of mind or failure to attend for personal or medical reasons. Maison Burlesque is not responsible for any lateness, incomplete attendance or failure to finish the course/workshop.


Class Cancellations

We require a minimum number of students for classes to proceed and may cancel any class if this minimum has not been met. In the event of a course cancellation due to low registrations, students will be offered the option of a refund or transfer to an alternate course. 


In the rare event of a teacher being unable to teach a class due to illness or other circumstances, we reserve the right to use a substitute teacher for that class. If this is not an option, then students will be offered either a pro-rata refund for that date or a rescheduled date for the class.


All classes run as per usual on public holidays, unless otherwise specified.


Multi Class Discounts

For students enrolled in an online course you are eligible to receive a $10 discount on all subsequent courses within the same term. Discounts can only be applied by our reception staff and cannot be applied once you have already booked - contact or pop into reception during our opening hours to book the discount rate.


As at June 2020, multi-class discounts are not available for small group in person classes.

Code of Conduct

1. The Student Code of Conduct is an expression of Maison Burlesque’s values:


* We pride ourselves in creating a supportive diverse-positive community.


* Our goal Is to make sure all cultures, races, abilities and genders are treated with respect,

tolerance and equality.


* We are committed to integrity and ethical behaviour within our classrooms, events and virtual platforms.


* We are committed to ensuring our community feels safe, validated and represented.


* We bring a distinctive excellence to our creative work and have the confidence to pursue original ideas within the ‘fringe’ performing arts.


2. The following principles underpin the behaviour of all members of the Maison Burlesque community while in the Maison Burlesque space, online and on-site, including students (past/present/future), staff, teachers and all company policies and procedures. Respect in all interactions is expected between members of the community ("members") and within the broader community.




* treat each other in a transparent, non-discriminatory manner.


* Respond to complaints in a timely fashion, maintaining confidentiality as appropriate;


* affirm freedom of expression as fundamental to research, teaching, learning and community-engagement activities, while recognising hate speech and inappropriate comments will result in banishment from the school and events;


* exercise care, diligence and impartiality carrying out their activities and maintain appropriate confidentiality of matters;


* are honest and ethical in their dealings with each other and with the staff at Maison Burlesque


* take responsibility to familiarise themselves with, and understand, Maison Burlesque’s policies, procedures and guidelines;


* respect and use Maison Burlesque’s resources and infrastructure in an appropriate and responsible manner;


* are part of a vibrant and diverse community of staff and students with a wide variety of backgrounds. Members respect and do not discriminate against each other.


Breach of Student Responsibilities:


3. Breaches of responsibilities under this code, in most cases, are determined by the staff and business owner of Maison Burlesque.


4. Members who breach the responsibilities under the Code of Conduct are expected to acknowledge responsibility and participate, in good faith, in the restorative activities to put things right when required.



If you have any questions in regards to the Terms & Conditions and the Code of Conduct, Please email us at

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