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Code of Conduct

Dear Students (Past/Present and Future),

At Maison Burlesque we pride ourselves on creating a positive space that is supportive and diverse. Our goal is to create a community that ensures that all cultures, races, abilities, genders and identities are treated with respect and equality.

We are now implementing a code of conduct for all students (past/present/future) to abide by in order to be allowed to continue to participate in classes, shows, and community events (including the Maison Social Group). This is in no way a means of governing our community. It is more a respectful reminder to stop and think about the consequences of your actions to ensure you are not hurting a member of this community we all so dearly love.

Thank you, Maison Team xx

Code of Conduct

1. The Student Code of Conduct is an expression of Maison Burlesque’s values:

  • We pride ourselves in creating a supportive diverse-positive community.

  • Our goal Is to make sure all cultures, races, abilities and genders are treated with respect, tolerance and equality.

  • We are committed to integrity and ethical behaviour within our classrooms, events and virtual platforms.

  • We are committed to ensuring our community feels safe, validated and represented.

  • We bring a distinctive excellence to our creative work and have the confidence to pursue original ideas within the ‘fringe’ performing arts.

2. The following principles underpin the behaviour of all members of the Maison Burlesque community while in the Maison Burlesque space, online and on-site, including students (past/present/future), staff, teachers and all company policies and procedures. Respect in all interactions is expected between members of the community ("members") and within the broader community.


  • treat each other in a transparent, non-discriminatory manner.

  • Respond to complaints in a timely fashion, maintaining confidentiality as appropriate;

  • affirm freedom of expression as fundamental to research, teaching, learning and community-engagement activities, while recognising hate speech and inappropriate comments will result in banishment from the school and events;

  • exercise care, diligence and impartiality carrying out their activities and maintain appropriate confidentiality of matters;

  • are honest and ethical in their dealings with each other and with the staff at Maison Burlesque

  • take responsibility to familiarise themselves with, and understand, Maison Burlesque’s policies, procedures and guidelines;

  • respect and use Maison Burlesque’s resources and infrastructure in an appropriate and responsible manner;

  • are part of a vibrant and diverse community of staff and students with a wide variety of backgrounds. Members respect and do not discriminate against each other.

Breach of Student Responsibilities

3. Breaches of responsibilities under this code, in most cases, are determined by the staff and business owner of Maison Burlesque.

4. Members who breach the responsibilities under the Code of Conduct are expected to acknowledge responsibility and participate, in good faith, in the restorative activities to put things right when required.

For more information on our Code of Conduct and Terms & Conditions, head to our T&C's page on the website, or email us at



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