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Bombshell Boogie Fitness starts May 7th!

Lyra La Belle

4 Week Course starts Thursday 7th May at Maison Burlesque.

A Burlesque-inspired fitness class with Lyra La Belle

Bombshell Boogie Fitness incorporates a warm up routine, burlesque moves such as bump & grind to get your sexy on, chair work to stretch and condition muscles, basic pilates mat work for your inner core, and relaxation exercises. Designed to unleash your inner bombshell, this course will also increase heart-rate and burn fat, stretch muscles, increase core strength and leave you feeling sexier than ever!

Designed for brides and bridal parties to help them keep in shape for their weddings - though all welcome!

Known as the Bombshell Blonde Who Puts the Thunder in Down Under, Lyra has recently returned to Melbourne after a two-year stint in Hollywood and Vegas. Join her in her burlesque-inspired fitness class and unleash your inner bombshell!

For more information and bookings, CLICK HERE

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